Sunday, November 22, 2020

Covid Breakdown

 The truth be known, I've been shoving down and ignoring the sadness in my life for a while now and that's something I believe we all do or we couldn't exist.  I thought what I was doing was rising above all that is wrong but I was kidding myself.  The wrong is still there and it's making itself known.  I've got a lot to be sad about...the issues with my daughter, my new health problem, the damn isolation from Covid, and knowing my time on earth is pretty darned limited.  Those things should not be beating me down because I have other, wonderful things going on in my life, too, but I let the bad stuff rise too close to the surface yesterday.

I don't think I'm feeling sorry for myself but just wanting normalcy to return, just like everyone else.  The big difference is that we seniors don't have a lot of time to waste waiting.  Maybe that's the hardest part for me.  

Every single day and almost every single minute on the news we're bombarded with facts and figures about Covid and there doesn't seem to be much light at the end of the tunnel until everyone receives the vaccine.  The Americans are driving me crazy with so many people following the example of Trump, refusing to wear a mask or keep their distance.  They've been warned not to travel during their Thanksgiving but their airports are filled with travelers.  They've been warned not to congregate in large numbers but their beaches are crammed.  Do all of these people care so little about their safety or the safety of people they'll come in contact with?  I can't fathom the selfishness and stupidity of it all.

Some idiot claimed that Trump was doing a great job because only 250,000+ Americans have died from Covid.  What the hell!!!!  How brain dead can you be???  The human race is doomed if idiots like this keep procreating.

I just realized I'm angry now.  That's an improvement over being beaten down so that's a good thing.  It's a survival technique to get angry and fight back rather than give up and pout.

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