Tuesday, December 08, 2020

The Vaccine is Coming...Or Is It?

 We've been told that the Pfizer vaccine is close to being shipped to Canada as soon as Health Canada approves it in a few days.  The vaccine should arrive next week but today I heard on the news that Trump is trying to pass a law keeping Pfizer from sending any vaccine out of the States until every American has been vaccinated.  Of course, what this very stupid man doesn't understand is that the best way to eradicate the virus is to make sure every country needs to start vaccinating at about the same time or no-one will be safe.  I hope he isn't successful because this will create another wedge between the U.S. and the other countries in the world.

In Canada, if the vaccine does get here, I'm in the first group to qualify for it because I'm 80 years old.  I'm happy about this because I know my age group is in the worst danger of catching the virus but I won't be able to relax until my loved ones have been vaccinated, too.  Right now I'm not sure if anyone in my family will refuse the vaccine.

I'm wondering if the foolish people who refuse to wear a mask in public will have the vaccine.  It seems to me that, if you're stupid enough to refuse to wear a mask, you would also be stupid enough to refuse the vaccine.  I'm quite ready to be a guinea pig because I'm too old to take the chance of waiting the virus out.  I doubt I'd be so quick to get it if I was in my 20's and I honestly don't think I'd give it to a child.  We need more testing time before we do that.

The first (regular) person to receive the vaccine (Pfizer) was a 90 year old lady in the U.K. and that was just today.  She didn't drop dead right away so I have a little more hope now that the vaccine will be relatively safe.  Our first shipment is the Pfizer vaccine and I'm assuming that's what I'll be getting.  The Moderna would have been my preference because it's more effective.  Apparently, Canada will be receiving a few other vaccines which I really don't want to take because they're much less effective.  Moderna and Pfizer are top of the line right now.

I have hope for our future.  I can see a day soon when our lives will be back to maybe a new normal but at least one where we don't fear the air we breathe.  


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