Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas Spirit Lost

I'm going to blame this horrible year of 2020 as the reason I've lost my Christmas spirit.  I won't see most of my family on Christmas Eve but, thank heavens, Kim has arranged for me to spend Christmas day with her and hopefully her adult family.  I just can't be around Nolan and Nash because they're the worst little germ carriers.  Maybe it's Christmas without little ones that has made me lose the Christmas spirit.

I had no fun shopping for presents because I tried to stay out of the stores and gave money instead of nice gifts.  It just felt so cold and unchristmasy.  I've given money before but not to everyone.

I've ordered a lot from Amazon and last week found out 2 of the Christmas ornaments I ordered for 2 of my grandchildren had somehow been lost.  This meant I had to brave the germy stores so out I went, stopping first at the bank.  Now, Scotiabank has just changed the format of it's ATM's and I could not for the life of me figure out how to get it to work so, instead of being able to use the drive-through, I had to go into the bank.

Now, with Covid, we have to line up outside the bank and wait until only a certain number of clients are inside.  I was cold, frustrated, and asked if one of the people working there would show me how to use the new system on the ATM which was inside the bank.  A young man kindly tried to walk me through it but neither of us could get it to work.  I was angry and trying not to take it out on anyone but I had to go outside and get in line IN THE COLD!

It wasn't too long a wait but by then I also couldn't breathe because I'd been wearing the damn face mask for so long.  Anyway, I got my money and left, hoping I don't have to get any more until after the new year when my temper has cooled down.

I went into a nice little store that sold all kinds of collectibles but they had no tree ornaments with 2020 on them.  I went to Walmart even though I had vowed I'd stay out of that store during the Christmas season...this was my second trip inside there in just a few days!  The had NO Christmas tree ornaments at all but I did pick up a few groceries.  

I just couldn't go into the mall because I felt it was too dangerous and germy so I went home and ordered 2 more ornaments from Amazon.  I worried they wouldn't get here before Christmas but they should arrive on Friday.  I was so exhausted from just an hour or so shopping in stores that I napped for a couple of hours.  It's the mask that wears me out because it interferes with my oxygen intake.

A phone call woke me from my nap and it was the hospital I'd cancelled my appointment with a week or so ago because they'd had a Covid breakout.  I was given a new appointment but it's one where I don't have to go in and the doctor will just phone me.  That made me feel like they're not too worried about me and it relieved me a lot.  All of my family doctor's appointments for check-ups have been a phone call since Covid and I like that.  I suppose the doctor would ask to see me if there was anything serious with my health.

2020 has been one of the worst years of my life and of many other people, too.  It isn't the seclusion so much as seeing most people wearing face masks, worrying about who touched something you're touching, no hugs, being afraid to be too close to my greatgrandsons, etc.  Our society has changed before our eyes and I, for one, am having a hard time dealing with it.  Always, deep in the back of my mind where I try to keep it at bay, are the worries I have for the families who have lost their livelihood because of the virus.  I remember all too clearly how Dennis and I struggled to pay our bills when our children were young and he was never without a job, thank heavens.  It would have been pure hell for us if we'd had to go through what these families today are going through.  

Canada started vaccinating people with the Pfizer vaccine this week, starting with health care workers, and I'm hoping to see our infection rate dropping soon.  I don't expect this to happen quickly but at least we'll have some protection as more people  receive the vaccine.  The neediest will receive it first and then down the line until everyone who wants the vaccine should have it by next fall.  The problem with the vaccine is that there will be many who won't get it for different reasons and I'm afraid they'll be looked upon as pariahs by the rest of us.  Already we're hearing that people who are vaccinated will receive a card to carry which will allow them access to places, such as movie theatres, that the people not vaccinated will not be allowed to enter.  I don't like the idea of this but I do understand the virus will continue to endanger us for a long time yet.  It just sounds kind of like the Jews in pre-war Germany who had to wear something visible to show they were Jews.

This is a terribly long blog and I really have to get off the computer so I'll end it here.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and joy to any other religions that celebrate December.


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