Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Platelets Very Low

 I had just 2 more minor doctor's appointments before I'd be free of them for the winter but it was not to be.  I had my bloodwork done yesterday and my platelets have dive bombed which means I'll have to go back to the hematologist.  I'm not sure what it means but my family doctor will fill me in tomorrow.  What I slightly think might happen is that I'll need a blood transfusion.  I have CLL and I know that can become quite serious at any time so I'm worried but not frightened.

I'm not sure what causes our platelet count to fall rapidly and, to be honest, I'm not even sure what they are.  I get a count on my white blood cells and my red blood cells so what the heck are platelets?  I feel no different that I did last year but I have noticed a lot of bruising lately and that does have something to do with low platelet count.  I believe I've always bruised easily, though.

Oh well, we know that old age isn't for sissies.


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