Saturday, November 07, 2020

Thank Heavens the Ride Has Stopped

 Well, the next president of the United States is Joe Biden.  There are many states where the count is uncomfortably close and there's also talk by Trump and his followers that the election was rigged against him.  I hope with all my heart that it wasn't but there will be investigations to prove it one way or another.  The idea of an American election being rigged scares me to death because I truly believe that would be the end of our democracy.

I can see where there might be a few individuals who might have hidden or destroyed ballots but I certainly don't want to believe a team of nefarious Democrats deliberately interfered with the election.  It's too scary to think that's possible.

I feel bad for the Republicans who revered Trump and who fear the Democrats because this time must be horrible for them.  To be honest, that's how I and many others felt when Trump was elected president in 2016.  But now there will be a change and we all can only hope it will be for the better.  The country is still being run by politicians and I still think very few of them can be trusted to do what's best for their country.

We all knew Trump would not accept defeat graciously because he isn't that sort of person.  He plans to fight tooth and nail to overthrow the election results and somehow hang on to the presidency.  It's pitiful and embarrassing to see this and it will, in the end, do damage to the Republican party because it will go from "pitiful and embarrassing" to "laughable" if it goes on too long.

Whoever would have thought the president of the United States would behave in this manner?  But we've said that a lot during these past 4 years.

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