Saturday, January 16, 2021

Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead

 Well, not really, but he has been impeached for the 2nd time in his 4 year term as president of the United States.  Most of the people in the world are not surprised but Trump still has his die hard followers that would believe in him if he committed murder right in front of him.  Some would even join in with him.  I don't like this aspect of human behaviour.

What finally did him in was when he and his family spoke in front of a huge crowd of his followers who believe the presidential was rigged and Trump should have won.  They riled up these weak minded individuals, telling them to march up to the Capital building and "kick ass".  Trump said he'd be right there with him but, of course, he just watched the mayhem on T.V.  And so his brain dead followers did march up to the Capital building in Washing D.C. and stormed the building, breaking in and looting and damaging property as they roared through the halls looking for Democrats and even Vice President Pence to rip into.  Everything is documented on film so Trump can lie all he wants but the video evidence tells the whole sad story.

I really though he'd get away with it, though, because these political parties stick together no matter what but even Republicans were shocked by how close they came to death at the hands of a president with no morals.  10 Republicans joined the Democrats by voting to impeach Trump and now their lives are threatened by his pathetic followers.  I don't know what has gotten into the average American who is willing to sell their soul to a monster like Trump.  

I likened him to the anti-Christ, a man with no morals and with the ability to lead even the super religious to accept him as their dictator.  Some called him a gift from God.  It's beyond understanding.

Trump may not be president after January 20th but the chaos he has created in the 4 years he was president will go down in the history books.  You can bet that Americans 100 years from now will look upon their ancestors as Neanderthals who refused to see the evil right in front of their eyes.  I hope the U.S. survives this assault on their democracy but Trump just might have set in motion a large group of crazies who have grown larger and more powerful because of his encouragement.  I don't think the U.S. will fully recover from Trump's reign.    

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