Wednesday, January 06, 2021

As Bad As 9/11


This is Donald Trump's legacy, how he lied and convinced his followers that the election had been stolen from him and that he didn't really lose.  This is how he manipulated his followers to storm the Capital building on Jan. 6th where the law was being followed in handing the election to Joe Biden who had won a legal election, elected by the citizens of the United States.  This is a culmination of every law he broke trying to have the election results, the will of the people, overturned so he could remain president or dictator of the United States.

This is treason and Trump should be dragged out of the White House and thrown in jail.  Every one of his followers who broke into the building should be arrested.  This won't happen but it should. 

The Americans who stuck by Trump over the last 4 years and turned a blind eye to his criminal behavior, his crude behavior, his lies, and especially his close connections with North Korea and Russia should have seen this coming.  Some called him a "gift from God" but most of us recognized an "anti-Christ".

I'm left feeling very remote and unattached to the United States after watching these events today.  This wasn't all Trump and the blame also sits on the shoulders of the people who have supported him.

Trump continues to lie and say he won the election so is he insane or just a pitiful human being who would rather convince his followers to destroy the Constitution than to admit he lost the election?  Regardless, The United States has lost face in the rest of the world for being gullible enough to have elected him as president in 2016.  I've tried to draw the distinction between how the Trump supporters I know are decent people but, in my eyes, blind to what Trump really is but I can't do that any more.  Everyone with half a brain could see that Trump will do anything, even destroy his own country, to get his way.  He's done a good job of that.   

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