Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Sick or Tired?

My sleep patterns are so screwed up that I rarely get a good night's sleep unless I take a Melatinin.  I do this every once in a while when I can feel my body becoming way too tired.  Apparently I waited a bit too long to use the Melatonin because yesterday, after a horrible night's sleep, I awoke at 8:15 feeling like I'd been run over by a truck.  I was so exhausted that I felt sick to my stomach. I immediately worried that I might really be sick and not just overtired.

I knew my day was ruined because I was so tired I couldn't even concentrate so I gave in, settled on the recliner with an afghan and slept most of the day and evening.  I figured all this daytime sleeping probably meant sleeping through the night, too, wasn't going to happen but at least I was starting to feel normal.  Strangely, I was tired enough to go to bed at 9 P.M. so I took a Melatonin just to help me sleep, watched a little T.V. and konked out at 10 P.M.  I slept well and was wide awake at 3:15 A.M. but I wasn't exhausted any more so I got up and started my day.  I know it means I'll need a nap or two this afternoon but I'll take another Melatonin tonight and try to reset my sleep clock for a while.

I know there are a lot of people of people with sleep problems just like mine and many of them don't have the option of taking a nap in the afternoon.  My heart goes out to them.  

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