Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Florida Politics

Florida political ads are a little different from our Canadian ones. It doesn't much matter who the politician is but when they're running for election they love to put out T.V. ads insulting their opponents. It starts to sound like young children complaining about children they don't like...but these are adults who want us to believe they're fit to run the country, or state, or city. Of course, they also say that they, and only they, will be able to help the poor, elderly, and young...the usual promises that never pan out. Then they close by saying "I'm John Doe/Mary Doe and I approve this message". They have no shame.

I gave up voting years ago because I'm of the opinion that all politicians are crooks and liars. People tell me that I have no right to complain if I don't vote but I figure I'm just circumventing the procedure. If I voted, I'd be complaining about the idiots I voted for. When I don't vote, I've saved myself the job of going to the polling station and I can still complain about them. Sounds sensible to me.

At one time I was a die hard New Democrat supporter. When the New Democrats won power in Ontario (with the help of my vote) I was ecstatic. Then, over an embarrassing short period, they almost bankrupted the province and that is when I lost all faith in politics.

To my knowledge, there has been only one Canadian politician who could wear the title proudly and that was Pierre Trudeau. I never voted for him but if he was alive and running today he'd have my vote.

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