Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Most Embarrassing Moment

My daughter just told me that she's applied to be a contestant on "Deal or No Deal" when it comes to Toronto in a few months. One of the questions asked on the questionaire is "what was your most embarrassing moment?". Here is mine!

My husband taught me to drive when I was 16 years old but I never tried to get my driver's licence for one reason or another until I turned 44. I diligently took driving lessons to help me unlearn all the bad habits my husband had taught me and soon felt confident enough to take my driving test.

I was very nervous and the cold eyed "tester" didn't help matters. He was about my own age but looked as though he'd never cracked a smile in his life. I felt like a real loser just applying for my first driver's licence at such a ripe old age. We both got into the car, me at the wheel and he in the passenger seat. The whole time we drove he led me through all the maneuvers necessary while he wrote crisp little notes on his clipboard. I thought he was a pompous ass and was certain he found fault in everything I did.

When we finally returned to the DMV office, I parked the car and nervously awaited his announcement. He took his sweet time! After what seemed like hours I asked him how I had done. He said, unsmiling, "you passed". I yelped, "oh, thank you!" and slapped him on the knee. My hand hit so hard it accidently slid up his leg and onto a place I should never have gone near. He packed up his clipboard and exited the car...with a smile on his face!

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

and it put a big smile on my face.......