Thursday, December 07, 2006

Beautiful Joyce is Going to be 75!!!

I just received an e-mail from my beautiful sister-in-law, Joyce, who mentioned that she will be 75 years old on her next birthday. Nothing drags you into old age faster than a contemporary getting there first. Joyce was, and still is, a real beauty and I guess I still see her as she was back in 1960 when we were both young and slim...and assumed we always would be. A lot of life experiences have occurred over the past 40-50 years and somehow we've managed to age a bit, too. One of the precious things that stayed the same in all those years is that we've remained loving sisters-in-law and good friends.

When I was in my teens I thought old people were really "old" and couldn't possibly have exciting, fulfilled lives. I've come to realize that we only feel our age when we hurt and, fingers crossed, we aren't hurting much yet. I think I laugh more and appreciate life more now than I ever did. With maturity comes wisdom and humility and we're old enough and smart enough to be thankful for these good years!

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

indeed she is beautiful.. when i see photos of a young elizabeth taylor, that's how gorgeous our joycie was(and still is)