Friday, December 08, 2006

Replacing a Printer Cartridge

The average person doesn't consider replacing a printer cartridge to be a traumatic experience. I'm not your average person. I've watched with dread as my computer informed me constantly over the past few weeks that my printer is low on ink. So I bought the darned cartridge and will replace the old one when I get my nerve up.

Before I left Florida last spring I did what I thought was a clever thing. I took a picture of how the cartridges sit in the printer and printed it. Then I removed the cartridges and placed them in a baggy so they wouldn't dry out over the summer months. When I returned this past October I got the cartridges out of the baggy and, using my picture, attempted to replace them in the printer. They wouldn't go in. I looked at the picture again and couldn't quite figure out what I was looking at so I persevered and tried shoving the things in any way they might fit. They wouldn't go in.

After what seemed like forever, the cartridges finally fit in properly...but they didn't look like they had in the picture. Who cares! They work.

Now you know why I'm not anxious to venture there again too soon.

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

you are sooo like me. i get traumatized when i run out of ink. i can never recall how to get the ink cartridge out.the illustrations in the easy guide are completely indecipherable..........
why can't they make it simple?