Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Death in the Family

My ex brother-in-law passed away on Xmas eve day. I've been getting e-mails and phone calls about his passing since then and we all seem to be trying to come to terms with losing someone who was a large part of our lives. My sister-in-law said that when she loses someone it's like a piece of her being torn away. Someone else said it brings the reality of our own mortality too close to home.

When someone I know dies, I feel as though the story of my life has been chipped away. Part of the story has ceased to exist in this world. I remember times we spent together, their laughter, their strength, and wonder how it can all come to a stop. There is more agony to the loss if it's a child or young person who had so little time here.

Those of us who believe in a hereafter are blessed with that comfort to carry us through the ordeal. And, as always, it's family and friends who will bond together to support each other and make sure we get through it.

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