Tuesday, December 26, 2006


For some reason I like to do laundry. The house could be falling around my ears in dust and I'll ignore it and throw a load of clothes in the washer. Most mornings I'll toss in a load that doesn't even fill the washer. I love to analyze why I, or anyone else, does things but this has been a mystery to me since I acquired my first washing machine.

For many years we held an open house on Christmas eve. I'd spend all day cleaning and preparing for up to 50 guests and, just before the first one arrived, throw in a load of wash. I never even noticed this pattern until one Xmas eve my daughters giggled as I toted a pile of clothes to the basement at about 6:30. Ever since then I've wondered why I do this. Could it be a stress reliever?

Here in Florida I don't have my own washer and have to use the park laundromat. When I get here in October it takes a while for me to get over the urge to do laundry every day but having to pay $1.00 a load settles me down somewhat. Now I do laundry about twice a week when the hamper (a large one) is almost full. You can imagine how I'm feeling today with an overflowing hamper (Xmas interfered with my schedule) and drizzly rain keeping me from the laundromat.

I guess if I can't do my laundry I can write about it. Definitely a stress release!

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