Tuesday, January 16, 2007

What Have I Done With My Life?

Every once in a while I become very introspective and wonder why I'm still here when others, younger or more useful, have passed away. That's the way I'm feeling this morning.

I've always been bright, if I do say so myself, but I was lazy as a child and never did reach my potential. I fell completely in love at 15 and married at 17. It wasn't until my third child was born a few months before my 24th birthday that I began to grow up and want something more in my life than wifehood and motherhood. This didn't mean that I loved my husband and children any less, it just meant that I'd finally recognized myself as a person in my own right.

I began taking correspondence courses to upgrade my pitiful education. As I sailed through lessons I felt as though my mind was unfurling, opening up and grasping every new concept. I once told my young grandson that you never stop learning your whole life and this has held true.

When I look back and remember all the highs and lows of my life, the best thing that ever happened to me was my children. But secondly was the step I took in my 20's to gain a better education for myself. One of my biggest regrets is that I dropped out of high school at 16, naively believing that I was as smart as I needed to be. How wrong I was.

My life has mainly been spent raising my children and often taking care of my grandchildren. I've saved no lives nor built any bridges. I realize that mine was a life partly wasted but maybe we could all say the same.

I can't change my past but I can try to make each new day I'm granted one where I bring a degree of happiness to people around me. Maybe these simple attempts on my part can make up for my earlier years. And maybe it makes my life worthwhile.


bluebird of paradise said...

oh pat!
you have done so much with your life. many many people would envy you. you've raised three gorgeous daughters and are the best grandmother ever. and if that wasn't enough you are a wonderful, smart, wise and beautiful human being.
you are a gifted writer and a great gardner, astute business woman and a terrific friend
we are so lucky to have you in our family

patsyrose said...

Thank you so much for the kind words. I really am not near as good as you describe me but I'm okay with myself...just had a lapse of confidence when I wrote that blog.