Friday, February 09, 2007

Butt Out

We have a problem with smokers fouling the air right in front of the clubhouse. They've been told to use the smoking room at the back of the clubhouse but they don't like it for some reason. After being told continuously that non smokers detest walking through the fumes to get into the clubhouse, a non smoking sign was finally posted at the front door.

The smokers then moved a few feet out to the parking lot, continued to smoke and then tossed their butts all over the ground. Why can't they see how disgusting this is?

I lived with a heavy duty smoker for almost 48 years and nothing would convince that man that the cigarette smoke he exhaled bothered anyone. But he'd have a major tantrum if he was exposed to the smell of whatever they use on dried flowers. He once took every dried flower arrangement from a lovely hotel room we were in and set them out on the balcony...where they all blew away. I'm sure the management thought we stole them.

My son-in-law once told my daughter (who smoked at the time) that kissing her was like kissing a dirty ashtray. Maybe that's why she finally quit smoking. I've never smoked so I'm not sure just how hard it is to quit but my husband, who was a very strong willed person, was never able to quit for long. It's too bad because I think it was the smoking that gave him the esophagus cancer that killed him.

It's not my place to preach to anyone that smoking is bad for them. They are adults and can make their own choices but they have no right to subject non smokers to the dangers of cigarette smoke. Maybe we should squawk a little louder and demand our rights be respected.


bluebird of paradise said...

from a former smoker..
there is nothing as hard as giving up smoking. smokers are very defensive ,they know there days are numbered. and like alcoholics, they are into denial, refusing to accept that their addiction affects anyone else.

Kim said...

I finally was able to quit about 5 years ago. Not only is it extremely difficult, I know that if I give in and have even just one cigarette I will be right back at it. When you quite you have to fight both the addiction and the strong habit.
If you think about giving up potato chips, forever. The chips aren't addictive but you have a strong habit of eating them. That habit alone is very difficult to break.
When I was smoking I remember thinking "I have rights too!" The smoke didn't bother me so it was hard to understand how disgusting it actually was to a non-smoker.
I consider myself fairly intelligent but it wasn't the fact that cigarettes are unhealthy or that they smell disgusting that forced me to quit, it was the snow piling up on my head because I had to smoke outdoors. You don't have that deterant in FLA.