Sunday, February 11, 2007

Monk's Cloth

I've been in a panic since learning that Walmart in the States is closing their fabric department. This is where I buy almost all my fabric and this is definitely the place to buy monk's cloth used for Swedish weaving. At Walmart it costs $6 a yard, at Joanne's Fabric's it's $10 a yard, and at home in Canada it's over $18 a yard. I'm not even going to mention the excellent $1 a yard fabric that I've been buying at Walmart or it will make me cry.

I hate change. It disorients me and makes me uneasy. Just when you think there's a nice comfortable pattern to your life, it changes.

Ebay has also changed it's format again and I can't for the life of me figure it out. I'm continuing to use the old format (which I hated to learn) but it will only be available for a short time. What the heck is wrong with Ebay? They have almost priced themselves out of business...I don't make much money there but it isn't a living for me. Then they keep changing the format so that it alienates dumber users like me.

Back to the monk's cloth...I hunted down every Walmart within 20 miles and bought as much monk's cloth as I could. I'm now set to make afghans for about 2-3 years. After that I may have to find another hobby!

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