Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Newly Wed Game

We had our annual Valentine's evening at the clubhouse tonight. A group of people spent weeks preparing a comedy skit that faintly resembled the old Newly Wed Game. Four couples had been chosen but not given any information about the kinds of questions they'd be asked. I think they were very brave to submit themselves to the unknown...especially since we are not a prudish bunch.

After the four wives were secluded off stage, the first question asked of the men was "what size dress does your wife wear?". You never saw more terrified men in your life. No matter what they said, they were in trouble. My heart went out to the three of the four ladies who were what we like to refer to as "fluffy". The men answered as honestly as they could and so did the wives. I take my hat off to them!

A question asked of the wives was "what color underwear is your husband wearing?". The wives simply looked blank and most wondered if their husbands were even wearing underwear. We'll never look at those men the same way again!

The audience laughed uproarously all evening...most of us thankful we weren't the ones on stage. One man in the audience was visiting our park and I'm sure he was less than thrilled to be spending his evening watching amateur comedy but I was glad to see him doubled over with laughter right along with everyone else.

This happy evening will be the gift that keeps on giving because we'll all discuss it and laugh again for days to come. And those four men will probably get a lot of probing stares from us women.

1 comment:

Kim said...

You have so much fun! Happy Valentines Day Momma.