Sunday, March 11, 2007

Another Funny Story

My youngest daughter just wrote that she slipped on some dog's blood and fell, bruising herself so badly that she had to spend the day in bed. It reminded me of the time her husband, John, suffered a fall...and we laughed.

John is the man who lost his leg in a helicopter crash. Well, as the story goes, he was walking down the hallway and his artificial leg started to bother him so he gave it a little kick. The leg flew off, up over his head and came down close enough to kick him in the butt. This caused him to fall. This could have been a sad situation but it was so ridiculous we had to laugh. Sorry, John.

I've never understood why people think it's funny when someone falls. They usually hurt themselves and there's nothing funny about that. I think it's the wild, out of control gyrations we go through as we fall that is funny. Of course, being kicked in the ass by your own toes is hilarious

1 comment:

Shelley said...

It's totally okay to laugh at poor John as he is usually the one who repeats the story and laughs at himself! He doesn't particularly like it that as he's telling the story, I'm rolling on the floor laughing beside him just from the memory! :-)