Tuesday, March 13, 2007


If I live to be 1000 I might learn all there is to know about what's available on the internet...maybe. My sister-in-law, Marilee, just informed me about Picasa which is where you can store pictures and then put them on the web. I'm not sure if I need this but I can't seem to upload pictures from "my pictures" and place them in a blog. Maybe using Picasa I'll be able to do this. Right now I have no time. This is how my day went and is going...

Up at 3:30 A.M. to drive with Sheila who was taking Tom to the airport.
Had breakfast at 5A.M. at IHOP...kind of expensive.
Back to the trailer at 7 A.M. and found Marilee, Faye, and Gary still sleeping.
7:01 A.M. I am sleeping.
9:15 A.M. I wake up and find no-one busy making coffee for my coffee morning and no-one is around.
The phone rings and it's one coffe drinker wondering where her coffee is.
I make coffee, people arrive and we drink till almost 11 A.M.
11 A.M. Gail arrives with a golf ball sized lump on her hand and Sheila rushes her to a nurse in the park. We haven't heard back from that yet.
11:30 is lunch at the clubhouse and I am not hungry.

This afternoon is pool time and then we're going to the liquor store at 4 P.M. This will be followed by a soup supper at 5 or 6 and then we have games night at 7 P.M.

I'm glad I had a nap.

1 comment:

Kim said...

It must be so much fun there these days. Enjoy everyone.