Friday, March 02, 2007

A Better Day

I received an e-mail today from my cousin-by-marriage, Ernestine. She hoped my bad day yesterday had disappeared by today and it has. By collecting my thoughts and putting them in the written word it helped to put the whole nasty day in perspective and, after a good night's sleep, my world is in balance again.

Ernestine said that I'm usually an upbeat person and that's true. I'm upbeat because I choose to be. Any of us can wake up in the morning and dwell on the crap in our lives or we can wake up and think "I'm not going to let the crap get me down". Years ago, as I've mentioned before, I suffered from depression and my every thought was of everything that was wrong with my life. Well, after many years of counseling I finally understood what I needed to do. To hell with the crap, I'm going to enjoy myself!

This is a wonderful day that I've been granted and I'm going to enjoy every moment. And I hope anyone who reads this will choose to enjoy theirs as well.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I'm glad you feel better. You are an upbeat person most of the time. It still feels like crap when stuff gets us down.
Love you.