Friday, March 30, 2007

Death of a Lizard

The other night I walked through the bathroom to my bedroom and spotted a streak of black practically fly from one side of the room to the other (the bathroom is possibly 6' wide). It moved so fast I couldn't tell what it was...I was also screeching like a banshee...and just assumed it was a cockroach. Madder than hell that a cockroach had found it's way inside my trailer I pulled out a can of Raid and sprayed all over the little bathroom, unable to see the intruder but bound it wasn't going to escape into another room.

Raid isn't good for human lungs. I choked, backed into the livingroom, returned to the bathroom to spray once more, choked, etc., etc., etc.

Slowly, a tiny little lizard dragged it's poor, poisoned body from behind the sink taps and died right in front of me. Now I was not only poisoned myself but I'd killed a harmless little lizard. The air was rancid with the smell of Raid and I didn't want to handle the lizard. I decided to just close the door and go to bed.

The next morning I disposed of the lizard and aired out the house. All is well!


Shelley said...

If you stayed in Florida much longer, I'd be buying stock in Raid!! LOL

Kim said...


bluebird of paradise said...

you are going to kill yourself with that toxin. a teeny little life doesn't deserve be nuked............