Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day and I know my girls are missing their father who passed away almost 2 years ago. He was one of the best fathers in the world.

Dennis was the kind of Dad who played with his children. I have so many memories of him having water fights with them, hiking with them, fixing their bikes, etc., etc., etc. In the play was often a lesson because that's what parents do. We play and teach at the same time.

He was a protective father and had very high expectations of his girls. When they did wrong he'd first raise one eyebrow when he looked at them and then he'd very seriously have a talk with them. He didn't spank. The eyebrow trick usually worked without having to resort to spanking.

When our daughters married he spent many a day working on projects at their homes. Shelley, who lived in the States, always had a job list ready for him when we visited.

A funny story was when Shelley left home to live in Texas and Dennis joked with her not to marry a man named Juan (many Mexicans live in Texas). Well, Shelley met an American born Cuban named Juan (John) and did marry him. He's a wonderful son-in-law, husband, and father today.

Dennis was an equally wonderful hands on grandfather. I've mentioned before how he'd take the kids to his "magic cave" (his workroom) and teach them to use the tools. He taught them how to sail which was one of his passions. He taught them how to tie their shoeslaces.

Dennis had a great love for his children and grandchildren and he showed that from the time they were born. He was crazy about his daughters and never missed having a son. He was crazy about his grandchildren and the only difference he showed between them was that he was a little softer with the girls. He never really understood that the girls were much tougher than the boys. Sexism!

All the love he showered on his children paid off because they were the towers of strength we leaned on when Dennis was sick. They were the ones who cared for him to the end.

He was a good father and I know my girls are remembering and hurting a little more today.

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