Sunday, September 16, 2007

Laying David to Rest

Yesterday was the first cold and windy day we've experienced since last spring and it was the day we put David's ashes in the ground. Fitting in a way because the weather reflected the state of mind of the mourners to be burying the remains of a once vibrant human being.

Just the closest family stood around the grave site, uncomfortable in the cold and saddened to be bringing an end to the ritual of David's life and death on earth. It's a cycle that begins the day we're born but it still seems so unfair when the end arrives way too soon.

We know that David is long gone to his reward but the ritual continues out of respect. It's not only a laying to rest of David's ashes but a laying to rest of the mourner's pain. Now begins the time of healing, of getting on with the life we still enjoy. It doesn't mean the pain will disappear overnight but it will diminish in time.

My generation is old now. We're probably next in line for the final ritual but that's the way it should be. We hurt less burying the old than we do burying the young. For me, I want more time to have fun and laughter right here on earth but there is an inate curiousity about what's on the other side. And I know there is another side...logic tells me so.

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