Friday, September 14, 2007

Six Nations Natives Levy Illegal Tax

Six Nations natives have formed a development group which will levy an illegal tax (paid directly to them) on developers wishing to build along the Grand River. It will be in the form of a building permit (also illegal) issued by Six Nations. Where the hell is the Canadian government and why are they not protecting the citizens who pay their salaries?

The government recently washed their hands of the situation and said that developers are on their own if the natives decide to squat on their land and disrupt building. Where the hell is the OPP and why are they not protecting the citizens who pay their salaries?

In a few years I'll be selling my house and looking to move outside the "big city" and my choice at one time was Caledonia. Not in a million years would I now subject myself to the native bullying that is happening there. Property values in Caledonia must have plummeted in the last couple of years causing hard working property owners to lose some of their investment in their homes.

How can our government allow a group of people who dispute, not prove, that they have a claim on land sold by their ancestors 200 years ago to disrupt so many lives? In this case, the natives have plenty of time to cause disruption because most of them have no jobs. This may not be a "politically correct" statement but it's true.

It doesn't matter whether we expect the provincial or federal government to clear up this mess. If the provincial government fails to do their job then the federal government should step in and do it for them. Remember who you elected the last time and DON'T vote for them again. We need fresh blood and people with the guts to take a stand.

To the Six Nations natives who are behaving like are a disgrace to your honorable ancestors. Remember that respect has to be deserved.

1 comment:

granny said...

You don't have a friggen clue!

First of all, FORGET the idea that Six Nations are4 'Canadian' and subject to Canadian laws. They are not. If the government had respected this instead of forcefully imposing its own government on them at gunpoint against their wishes, we would not be in this pickle today. If you want to find the cause of the probelm, look to your government, NOT to the Indigenous Nations who so generously shared their land with us, and then had it stolen and desecrated beyon d its ability to sustain life.

The Mayor's plans to pave the Haldimand deserve to be in the toilet where they are. It is unnecessary greenfield srpawl that we can no longer afford as our earth struggles to sustain us.

It was wrong. It is over.

Respect Six Nations rights, because they are the ones upholding Canadian laws, demanding consultation before development, when in fact that is the legal responsibility of our governments. Our governments do not obey Canadian law. It is Canada that introduced the lawlessness and Canada who can fix it.