Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hospital Care

Well, Kim is still in the hospital...feeling a little weak from blood loss but ever so anxious to get home. The problem is she has to be evaluated by a physical therapist before they let her leave. The bigger problem is that none of the nurses or doctors in her ward knew that no therapists were available Saturday, Sunday, or Monday but told us each day that one would see her on those days and then she'd be released to go home.

My question is...why wouldn't the nursing staff know these things?

Also, Kim is on Percoset (spelled right??) for pain and she got her meds an hour late on Sunday because there were none in the ward. Shouldn't there be someone in charge of seeing that the wards are supplied with enough pain medication for their patients?

And...I watched another patient in Kim's room ring 6 times for a bed pan before it was brought to her. A bloody shame!

Whenever I went up to the nurse's station it was packed with people. Some were on computers but many were just standing around talking. This could well explain the lack of nurses tending to patients.

All of this is happening in just one of our city hospitals and I didn't see this inefficiency in the other hospital that Kim was first in. It's scary to see how absolutely helpless a patient is when they are unable to care for themselves.

We need to see improvement in our health system because the present state is unacceptable.

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