Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday Breakfast

340 days of the year my breakfast consists of a piece of fruit or, at best, a small bowl of cereal but when I'm in Florida we have a Sunday breakfst ritual. Sheila and I will drive up to a local restaurant early Sunday morning and meet up with a half dozen or so friends and have a "proper" breakfast. I'm never hungry for this but I'm big on rituals of any kind so this is something I do enjoy.

Sheila always has french toast. She is definitely a creature of habit. I used to enjoy my usual cheese omelet, toast, and home fries but after making a serious committment to healthier eating last summer my meal will change to poached eggs, toast, and home fries. Okay for a once a week in the winter breakfast.

I had a bit of a setback on my healthy eating yesterday. Fries have been a no-no since last March but I had some yesterday and this is why. My knee (the one I hurt dancing New Years Eve) has been paining me badly and I'd gone to Walmart to buy some stuff, including knee bandages. Halfway through the store my knee hurt so bad I could have cried so I went into the cafeteria so I could sit for a while. It was lunch time and they didn't sell baked potatoes there...just fries. I was in pain and hungry so I lost all sense of judgement and ordered the fries. It won't happen again but they were darned good.

I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do about this stupid knee. It had gotten almost back to normal up until October when my daughter, Kim, had her car accident and I had to stand in the Emergency room for 3 hours. It was the standing that caused the pain to flare up again and it hasn't subsided much since then. It makes me mad because I have lots of plans for this winter which include walking. I've decided that no matter how well the knee heals over the winter (if it does) I'm going to see my doctor in the spring and go through all the damn tests, exrays, and whatever else it takes to make it better.

Right now I'm off to my Florida Sunday morning breakfast.

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

oh how i wish i were there. i love those florida breakfasts. hello to sheila and other pals.