Saturday, December 29, 2007


As the year 2007 draws to a close I think back on the year with a mixture of sadness and weariness. All in all, it wasn't a good year for me. The worst part was that one of my sons-in-law passed away and any other problems fade in comparison.

It's rarely a day that goes by that I don't think how he was with us this time last year...I also feel the same way about my husband, that he was with us this day 3 years ago. It's very easy to bring their living faces and habits to mind and wonder how that all could disappear.

I don't remember having these feelings when my grandparents passed away. They were old and it was their time. Life went on. But with my husband and son-in-law I can't help but feel their time came too soon.

Would any of us want to know that we wouldn't exist in this world this time next year? Would we live the year any differently? I think most of us would be kinder and nicer if we knew we were about to die but I sure don't want to know when my final day will arrive.

Well, 2007 is about to end and in a few days it will be time for me to make another New Year's resolution. I think what I'll do is spread a little more love. Sounds maudlin but I don't have a whole lot of time left to be nice so 2008 will be the year I practice a bit more forgiveness...even to the guy who wrecked my basement in 2007! Happy New Year, Dean, and may 2008 be a good year for you.

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