Friday, December 28, 2007

Staying Healthy

Last summer I found out my blood sugar was getting a little high so I decided it was time to start eating right. I can't diet but I can eliminate things from my diet so by making better choices I managed to lose close to 20 lbs. Since I'm quite overweight not many people even noticed but that's okay. I'm not doing this to be a super model.

Today 3 of us went to a lovely restaurant for lunch and my canker sore was still giving me trouble so all I could eat was soup. The soup was so darned good that I tolerated the pain of eating and finished the whole thing. The canker sore diet may make me lose a few pounds but it isn't worth it.

I've been doing all the home remedies I know of to no avail. Rinsing with salt water, rinsing with peroxide, and holding fingertips full of salt directly on the canker sore hasn't eradicated it yet. But there is light at the end of the tunnel because I detect a slight improvement over yesterday. Now I can eat frozen yogurt with very little pain.

Speaking of which...I think I'll go apply a bit of frozen yogurt to my canker.

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