Thursday, December 27, 2007

Canker Sore Diet

I'm on an enforced diet due to a huge canker sore on the side of my tongue near the back of my mouth. It actually hurts too much to even eat a brothy soup. I get these darned things every so often and it takes about a week for them to go away.

It appeared yesterday but reached full bloom today. Not only can't I eat but it's hard to even talk. Now that's a double disability! I sound somewhat like a drunk slurring her words and I'm afraid someone will think all that yakking I do about wine means I have a problem.

Today I stayed home and worked. I put tons of stuff on Ebay and then erased the bar code on tons of aprons we had donated to our park by Disney World. My only fortification throughout my busy day was frozen yogurt. Not bad medicine, really.

I'm going out for lunch tomorrow so this silly canker sore had better heal over before noon tomorrow.


bluebird of paradise said...

rinse it with warm salt water.

Kim said...

'member David said, peroxide!