Sunday, December 09, 2007

Meltdown Over

Last night I went to a party at a friend's house and had such a great time. Many of the people I care about most here in the park were there and we did a lot of yakking and a lot of laughing. Did I mention that we also did a fair amount of drinking?

This morning was breakfast at a local restaurant with a few friends and then off to the flea market with my friend, Carole. We stopped at Walmart on the way home and I bought some of the $1 a yard fabric to make new curtains for the trailer windows. I'm not sure about the color (lilac) but it's worth a try. If the color bothers me it's easily changed at that price.

Mickey was working on my wall when we got back and the panelling is all up. He still has to do the trim but then I can get this place back to normal. That's all I want...normal!

A gang of us are going to Downtown Disney tonight and that will be fun. Millie and Ron will probably lead the whole place in singing Xmas carols like they did a few years ago. They are true characters!

Just a little note for the northerners who are still home and dealing with the cold winter...I had to put the air conditioning on because it was just too hot in here today. LOL!

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