Saturday, December 08, 2007


I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday just from the trmendous stress I've been dealing with since the spring. Having suffered from depression for many years and then gained a measure of control over my life I recognized yesterday that I'd reached the end of my coping ability.

I took an anti-inflamatory for my knee and went to bed early last night. It's amazing how we can gain our equilibrium back after a good night's sleep so I can see things in better perspective this morning.

It's understandable why everything came to a head yesterday. In the spring I had coped with a renovator who walked out and left me with a torn apart basement. I coped with the added expense of a new renovator. In the summer I coped with the news that I had a 2 spots of skin cancer that were eradicated, thank heavens. I coped with the news that I had a blood disorder. I coped with the death of my son-in-law. And then this fall I coped with my daughter's car accident and injury. Then my knee injury flared up. And, oh yes, I also coped with the water damage to my new floor in the basement and the ensuing $3500 repair to the foundation wall which had allowed the water in.

When I finally made it down to my little haven in Florida only to find the front wall of my trailer rotting out, I thought I was coping with the mess of having it repaired. I think that is when my coping skills let me down.

We can only handle so much stress in our lives and then we have to back off to allow ourselves time to heal. Yesterday was my day. I couldn't withdraw physically because Mickey, the man who is doing all the work here, needed me to be close by. So I withdrew mentally, distancing myself from the present as best I could. It seems to have worked because this morning I feel as though I can handle whatever the day offers.

The outside of the trailer is finished and the inside is maybe a day or day and a half away from being finished. I can handle this. In fact, I'm not doing too bad a job of holding myself together in the face of all that's hit the fan since the spring.

The secret is to close down and give our overloaded brain a rest. And to remember that tomorrow is a new day.


bluebird of paradise said...

you need to get yourself to a each resort where it's sunny and hot . and you can drink cool drinks by the pool and think of nothing at all , except the cute cabana boys!

patsyrose said...

How about the cute cabana boy's father instead???

Kim said...

send me the cabana boy!
You are woman, you are strong. I think you told me that! Love you.