Sunday, December 09, 2007

Pink Cowboy Hats at Downtown Disney

Fifteen of us seniors piled into 3 vans and headed for Downtown Disney today around 4:30 P.M. I've often mentioned how much I love going there in the evening, especially a warm evening such as tonight's.

We sauntered through the streets, stopping for our free chocolate at Giardelli's (never sure I'm spelling that right) and then going on to the Earl of Sandwich where we sat out on the patio eating the terrific hot sandwiches they make there. As we were leaving, Millie and Ron went over to a table of complete strangers and began to sing to them. The people looked a little confused at first but soon appreciated the singers.

From there it was on to the free boat ride to the French Quarter where we all sang Xmas songs and even "Old McDonald Had a Farm" to a young couple lucky enough to share the boat ride with us. They looked a little confused at first but soon began to appreciate us and even said we had made their day.

At the French Quarter we went into the restaurant and had a snack before touring through the gift shop. Ron entertained the clerks by trying to buy something with toy coins but they were too smart for him.

The boat ride back to Downtown Disney was completely full and that made us a little shy to show our talents so we kept our mouths shut for that trip.

We looked through a few shops and lost one vanful of our friends. No problem. All 6 ladies left in our group found a wonderful bargain in one of the stores...beautiful pink cowboy hats!! We wore them out and stopped once more for another piece of free chocolate and then entertained the tourists with one last Xmas song. The people loved us! I think the pink cowboy hats made us look a bit more professional.

As we ladies waited for the men to get their vans, Jeannie told us a story about how she'd burned something very tender while leaning over the stove. Just then a security guard came over to see why 6 ladies in pink cowboy hats were falling over themselves with laughter. Jeannie told him she needed a bandaid for her booboo and he began to search for one but, somewhere between the giggles and double entendres, he began to understand that we were putting him on. He joined in the fun and asked her if a stick of gum would help and she suggested it might help if he chewed it for her first. We'll always wonder where the conversation would have led if our men hadn't shown up with the vans.

Anyway, we arrived back at the park around 10 P.M. happy, full of chocolate and good memories. We ladies plan to wear our pink cowboy hats at every opportunity.

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