Wednesday, April 30, 2008

An Apology to my Husband

I owe my poor husband an apology. I had thought he'd installed one of our roof vents improperly but the workmen who removed them to install new ones brought the offending vent for me to see. There was indeed a screen under it but the squirrels had chewed it aside. The vents were made of aluminum and no one would believe a squirrel could chew chunks out of the frame but they did. it looked like someone had taken metal snips to it.

My handyman put a trap inside the attic to catch any vagrant squirrel who was living up there. He then installed the new roof vents which he promised would be a better deterrent to invaders. I'm not so sure about that because they're plastic but I have to trust they'll work.

I've been told that the squirrels will go crazy if they get caught in the trap so I probably won't sleep tonight waiting to hear nutso squirrels carrying on over my head. The other fear is that the squirrels had all gone out for the day and will do whatever necessary to gain access to the attic again. Time will tell.

There was great progress in my house today. The bathroom tile was completed and I spent a bit of time cleaning up the dust and grime. The cable company came and hooked up my telephone so now I have one bill for T.V., internet, and phone. The basement flooring was repaired and my massive pile of flea market stock was put back in place. I gave my handyman a list of other less pressing items I'd like to have done this spring and he's fine with that. He even said I was a dream customer (probably because I'm easy to work for and I pay my bills promptly). Before he left he cleared away all the 1000 lb. wet leaf bags from the driveway, too. Am I lucky or what??

Now to wait for tonight's episode of "Squirrels Gone Wild".

1 comment:

Kim said...

A dream customer because you happen to be living in the "Money Pit" these past few weeks. Glad it's all coming together. Good luck with the squirley party!