Thursday, May 01, 2008

Update on Squirrels

Not a peep or rustle out of the attic last night or this morning so I'm guessing the attic is empty. That means my squirrels will make every effort to return so the only answer to that is to have someone check the roof for damage occasionally. Judging by the tooth marks on the old aluminum vents those darned squirrels just might chew their way through the front door.

My husband used to chase them away with sticks, stones, and even a slingshot when he was alive. I'd be horrified and argue with him about the wrongness of hurting a living creature but I'm starting to change my mind. I still don't want to hurt them but they don't look so cute anymore. So far, the damage they've done has cost me a couple of hundred dollars.

Now it's just a matter of waiting to see what they do next.

Oops! I spoke too soon. I heard a few frantic scrabblings in the attic just a few moments ago. I don't know whether it's a squirrel in the trap or just trying to get out the old vent. It could also just be a squirrel on the roof. Whatever, we'll find out soon enough.

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