Tuesday, April 22, 2008

To Move or Not To Move

Mary, Faye, and I met out at the flea market today so I could clear out my showcase. I decided the best thing to do with it was to sell it because it's too heavy for me to carry when I close my table at the end of September.

I lost money all winter on my flea market table so I'm not bothing with it in the winter anymore. They'll find me a table in the spring when I come home from Florida and then I won't have to count on others to take care of it for me.

After doing a bit of cleaning up we ladies went to a terrific chinese buffet and ate heartily. I don't know how we keep finding things to laugh about but we manage. It's often a matter of just laughing at ourselves.

After lunch we went to look at an apartment building that was being turned into condos and I was simply amazed at how beautiful they were. I could have lived there very happily and they're only about a minute drive from my flea market.

All the way home I thought about the sensibility of selling my house and gearing down to such a gorgeous apartment but something stopped me. When I arrived home one of my sweet young neighbors came over for a visit and we talked about how wonderful our other neighbors are...how extra special our little community of neighbors on our street are in our everyday lives. I looked around my comfy, if just a bit too big for my needs, house and decided it wasn't time yet for me to leave.

Throughout our lives we come upon times for change and sometimes the reason for change is quite evident. There will most certainly come a time for me to leave my house and move into something a bit easier to handle but today isn't the day. Who knows what tomorrow will bring but today I'm nestled among wonderful neighbors and it's apparently where I'm meant to be. For a while yet, anyway.

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