Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Issue of Squirrels

I know that anyone who reads my blog is probably sick to death of my squirrel adventure but I'm going to write about it anyway.

Kevin, the pest control guy, came today and assured me, guaranteed me, that he will rid my attic of squirrels within a matter of days. He's amazed that they're still in there. He has such an honest, earnest face that I truly want to believe him. He works 12 hour days so he must have enough experience. I need to trust him.

Don, my handyman, called this morning to see if the squirrels were gone yet. I'm humbled by the fact there are people who aren't even close to me who care enough to check. My own daughter thinks it's a laughing matter but she's never had them in her attic.

I had a talk with my neighbor who feeds the squirrels. I'm scared to death that he's inviting them to move into his house by feeding them. In my eyes there is nothing appealing about squirrels anymore. I can only see them as bushy tailed rodents.

I'm wondering when all this damned drama in my life will come to an end. I'm just a helpless little old lady who needs some peace.


Kim said...

I'm sorry. I do love you, I really do, but the drama around these squirrels is so funny. I can just picture them peaking out your roof, laughing their little butts of at the chaos they have caused. Hopefully when they are gone you will see the humour too.
Bailey and Baker will take care of them for you, the squirrels will pack their own bags and leave once they hear the commotion my girls make.

patsyrose said...

If I wasn't afraid the squirrels would hurt the girls I'd put them up in the attic. These squirrels are very, very smart but I think they'd attack anyone who tried to evict them.

Neither I nor the girls are going near the attic!