Monday, May 19, 2008

They're Back!

I really want to run away from this predicament I'm in. Yesterday it was lovely and quiet with no sounds of squirrels in the attic but this morning I woke up to a terrible racket overhead. I quickly dressed and went outside to see if there was a squirrel trying to get in but was shocked to see a squirrel on the inside of the one way cage peeking out of my roof. Now I don't know if he was one that hasn't left yet or if he's found a new way inside. Today's a holiday so I can't call the pest control guy and ask him to come by.

I think I've kept pretty good control of my emotions throughout this mess but I think I might have reached my limit. It's the most helpless feeling to look up on your roof and see a rodent appear through a hole he's chewed in the roof. It's now becoming a nightmare that doesn't seem to have any end.

One of my neighbors feeds the squirrels in the area and I now know he's just asking for trouble. I've read that even people with bird feeders attract squirrels who then move on into the house. It just seems so unbelievable that they're so difficult to get rid of. It's one thing to try the humane method but in the meantime those creatures are damaging my home.

I'm going to give my present pest control guy the rest of the week to do his magic but then I'll be looking for someone who will take tougher measures. I feel like I'm in over my head with this problem.

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