Monday, September 15, 2008

U.S. Families Evacuated From Bolivia

What is going on with the news? My youngest daughter is currently living in Bolivia with her husband who works at the U.S. embassy and has been keeping us notified by blog and e-mail of the explosive political situation there. The U.S. embassador has been kicked out of the country and now American families are about to be evacuated back to the States. Why is nothing of this being aired on the news?

The only way I've been able to find out anything reported by the press is to go on the Reuters' website but CNN has failed me miserably. This is world news of world importance and not given any credence by the press.

South America is in a state of political chaos and we should be informed about this. What of the average Joe who has travel plans for those countries?

Being married to a military man, Shelley and her family lead an interesting life travelling the world but, in this case, I'll be happy to see her safely back home .


Shelley said...

Soon, Momma, soon!

Shelley said...

Soon, Momma, soon!

Shelley said...

Whoops! Don't know how that posted twice! :-)