Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Will Florida Still Be There?

The financial crisis in the States is very worrisome but I feel deep in my heart that all will end well. I'm a little surprised that the bailout didn't pass but maybe these people are better informed than I am and they know the country won't collapse without the bailout. Times are sure to be tough but it won't be the end of the world.

One of my personal concerns is the news about gas shortages because I'll need to fill up my tank 4-5 times on the way to Florida. I heard that some people were even trailing along behind the big gas trucks to see where they could find gas. I won't be doing that...I hope!!

Overspending and overextending credit is not confined to the U.S. Just look at the high end homes so many families live in right here in Canada. These homes usually require two salaries to maintain them, too, so there's no hope of one of the parents being able to stay home and raise the kids even if they wanted.

I've watched people try to decide which credit card they will use for their purchase and wonder how many are at their limit. Credit availability has been shoved in our faces from the age of 18 and often comes unsolicited. Store employees are taught to first ask, "Will that be on your charge card?". I'm aware of this and I'm psychologically savvy but I can't tell you how many times that little question has spurred me to use my credit card. It's just too easy.

It's not enough to just drive less so our gas consumption is down or to live in houses we can afford. We have to stop buying every new toy we see advertised. I'm ashamed to say I have a closet (actually 2 closets) full of clothes and shoes which prove I'm a problem consumer. too.

In the short term we'll have to buckle down and stop or slow our bad spending habits but I truly believe the financial crisis will sort itself out in the long run. It will be a blip on the screen of history. We've had it too good for too long and we've known changes were needed for quite a long time.

My hopes for a brighter future lie with the impending U.S. presidential election. I'm very much hoping the man who leads the country out of this mess will be Barack Obama. Regardless, the next four years are going to be interesting ones.

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