Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Unreliable Daughter

I guess every family has at least one unreliable child and mine is my middle daughter, Cindy. She's the kindest, most loving child who would give you the shirt off her back and fight to the death for you but in everyday life she can't be counted on to do as she says she will.

Yesterday is a prime example. She'd phoned me last week and asked if I'd like to come with her to visit my granddaughter (her daughter) at university and I'd jumped at the chance. It's interesting to note that a few days ago I was mentioning this upcoming trip to my sister-in-law and added a little note, "IF she shows up". Well, I waited around all day yesterday...she was supposed to be here around 2:30 P.M....and, at 4:15 and just when I'd given up hope, the phone rang. Cindy had forgotten all about me and was about a 1/2 hour drive away but she was already late getting to the university. If she drove to my house it would take her out of her way. I was mad and let her know it. The truth is that this was something I'd suspected would happen because Cindy is...well, Cindy.

Before I started spending winters in Florida our family Xmas dinners were always held at my house. After too many years of having to hold off putting the food on the table because Cindy hadn't arrived, I began telling her that dinner was an hour earlier than it actually was. It worked and we only had to hold the hungry masses off for a shorter period of time.

It's not that she's lazy or disorganized. She simply tries to pack too many chores into the time allotted to her. I love her with all my heart and will always love her no matter what her failings are but I can't count on her and that's a sad reality.

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