Thursday, October 02, 2008

Will Sarah Screw Up?

I'm not a political animal but I'm going to be one of the many watching the U.S. vice presidential debate tonight on T.V. In my case, I'll be hoping that Sarah Palin will make a total ass of herself. Mean? Probably.

Normally I have a very low opinion of politicians but I at least admit that most of them have a certain level of intelligence and understanding of their political role. Because I admire the capabilities of John McCain and would have voted for him if I were an American, I was aghast at his choice for running mate.

One thing that is very apparent about Sarah Palin is that she is a genious of double talk. Like many politicians when asked a question, they reply with a barrage of meaningless rhetoric that doesn't actually answer the question. It's kind of fun to watch once you are onto them.

The vice presidency of the U.S. is too important a position for someone like Palin, especially with the country in such a mess. It's really a travesty that her party chose her as the best they have to offer.

Now I'm going to settle in and watch the debate.

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