Saturday, October 18, 2008

One of Those Days

This has started out to be one of those days when I should have stayed home. I went yard saleing all over the darned city this morning because there are very few yard sales at this time of year. I bought one of those brush things you screw on to the end of the garden hose so you can wash your car. That's it!

Then I went to CAA to pick up 2 (I thought) Trip Tiks for my trip to Florida. I had ordered 2 because I'm not sure which route I'll take...either to the Pensacola area or to the Orlando area. They only had one Trip Tik for me so now I have to wait 4 days for the second one to come in.

Then I went to my favorite Wendy's for lunch only to find the doors locked. The "efficient" personnel had forgotten to unlock them...must have wondered why they had no customers all morning! I finally got in and ordered my lunch but the chicken strips weren't quite ready so they said they'd bring them to my table. They forgot. When I reminded them they threw in an extra strip so that was okay.

Then I got home and discovered my cable T.V. was still screwy from yesterday. Normally any problem with the cable T.V. is short lived but this time it was at least 24 hours old. I phoned them and found out they'd disconnected my service yesterday, the 17th, instead of on the 27th as I'd requested. This problem was solved within minutes.

I think I'll stay home for the rest of the day.


Kim said...

No, No. Then your daughters and grand dog came to visit and you had a wonderful dinner at our favorite Tai restaurant with your favorite daughter. So it ended better than it started.

Shelley said...

Favourite daughter??? Phpht! :-)

Kim said...

I knew you'd like that, hee hee :)

patsyrose said...

I didn't bother adding the good part because I was trolling for sympathy with the earlier part.

By the way, I have 3 favorite daughters. Always have and always will!