Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Story I was Told Not To Tell

This is a true story and one that my daughter warned me not to tell. You just know that made me want to tell it anyway!

Well, today I was working at the computer (playing games) and I heard a "tap, tap" at the patio door. I glanced over and saw a squirrel sitting there looking at me. "Holy s...t!", I thought. Was the little beast actually knocking to come inside for the winter??

Since I had squirrels in the attic this year, I've been petrified that they'd come back. I had squirrel proof cages put around the roof vents so they couldn't get back in there but I've been told that, once in, the squirrels believe this is their house and they'll do anything to gain entrance once more. Do you suppose that was a polite squirrel knocking at my patio door?

As I said, my daughter is a little worried about possible senility on my part and didn't want me to blog this strange story. I'm just a little freaked out about it myself but it really did happen.


bluebird of paradise said...

I believe you! I have had tiny redpolls tap on my patio window for more food...

patsyrose said...

Thank you, Marilee. I don't mind being senile if I'm in good company like you!!

Kim said...

Look, I warned you. I can't be responsible for the white coats that come and cart you away. Hey, maybe the squirrels would like your glass along with your house once you're carted away! Two birds with one stone, or is that two squirrels...I don't know.

patsyrose said...
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patsyrose said...

One should never stick their nose up at the mysteries of nature. It's very possible that polite little squirrel took the same etiquette course you did, Kimmie, but with better results!! LOL!