Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

O.K., so the Canadian Thanksgiving was in October and this is the American Thanksgiving but so what. It's still a time to get together and be thankful for what we have.

I made a huge chicken pasta salad to take to our park dinner and it turned out terrible. The pasta was starchy tasting and no matter what I did I couldn't fix it. People who know me know how pitiful my pantry and fridge are so I had to be very creative in replacing the awful salad. There was no way I could inflict it on my neighbors.

I had a couple of large bags of navy beans that I use in making soup so I went on the internet to see if I could find a recipe for navy bean salad. Lo, and behold, I found a good one that would do.

I cooked navy beans all morning and added some vegetables to the mix. A couple of perfect tomatoes, cut up, was the royal touch and I now had a lovely and tasty salad to take to our dinner.

Unfortunately, I cooked too many navy beans and had to carry on and make a huge soup which I distributed into plastic containers and froze. I was beginning to feel like Suzy Homemaker!

Now I'm dressed and ready for our wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, my salad is darned good and won't put me to shame, and I just have to pull the bottle of wine out of the fridge and go.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone no matter where they are!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

{mouth gaping} congrats Suzie homemaker, hope your dinner is fabulous