Thursday, November 27, 2008


I will never understand how a terrorist of any kind can see himself/herself as anything but a coward. Their power is either in numbers, in weapons, or in strength against helpless victims.

There is no honor in being a terrorist because they are quite simply cowards who are only able to inflict damage on someone weaker or unarmed. They don't bring honor to their cause or to their leaders by preying on innocent people.

We fear them because they are like rabid dogs but we have no respect for them. They are criminals who perform cowardly acts of violence in order to feel important. How pathetic a human being is that?

Whenever I hear of another terrorist attack I wonder if there is any hope for the human race. How can we continue to murder each other and not lose our humanity? Masked fanatics murder innocent bystanders, husbands murder their wives, mothers murder their children, a teenager murders a convenience store clerk, and the list goes on and on. What is happening to us?

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