Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Dog Sitting

Anna and Lisa arrived yesterday and we initiated them into our park family last night. Mark and Charlotte brought the horse race game over to the little clubhouse where we played for a few hours in the evening. Lisa and Anna both won a couple of bucks and I think they did have fun. My friends here are so darned nice that you can't help but like them.

Today L&A went off to Epcot with Ron and Gerry and I'm dogsitting Rusty. We're experiencing another weird spell of darned cold weather for a few days so they're all wearing sweatshirts. I'm going to stay home with Rusty and work on my Swedish weaving. One of the ladies I taught left early this morning for home in Nova Scotia but she presented me with a large bottle of my favorite wine in thanks for teaching her the craft. It wasn't necessary but it is very much appreciated.

I spoke with one of my friends yesterday about how well we all seem to blend together here. We don't have simply American or Canadian groups of friends because it doesn't matter where a person's northern home happens to be. We chum around with people whose company we enjoy. My very closest buddies happen to be Canadian but that was just by chance.

Anyway, today is a stay at home day with the dog. I've had to teach him not to sleep on the furniture just as I have to reteach Baker and Bailey (Kim's dogs) every time they visit. What's with these people who allow their animals on the furniture?? The dogs learn quickly what is not allowed so it's pretty easy to train them but maybe I'm too fussy.


Kim said...

The girls are not allowed on my furniture at all, except they have their own rocking chair. They are only allowed on it if the blanket is over it. It's funny, they do know the difference. They are not allowed in my bed either but once in a while they try to sneak!

patsyrose said...

The "girls" are smart little cookies who rule your house whether you admit it or not. You should see the look I get from Baker when I chase her off the sofa. If looks could kill!!
