Friday, April 24, 2009

Texting-Secret Teen Messages

Everything old is new again and now in the form of texting. There was an item on the news today about how parents are concerned with the secret coding in the messages their teens text to one another. Really?

I was a teen in the 1950's and we send coded messages via pen on paper in those days. We also spoke pig latin, a silly way of twisting your words that confused out parents for a short while but it was a little too easy to catch on to.

It is the nature of the beast that teenagers will do whatever they can to keep secrets from their parents. They truly have very little control in their lives so they will grab at any chance to have something of their very own that their parents are not privvy to.

It's perfectly normal, Mom and Dad, so quit worrying and try to remember your own teenage years. Then again, maybe you should err on the side of caution and keep an eye open.

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