Monday, July 06, 2009

Disorganized Organization

There is no-one who tries harder than me to be organized and no-one who fails more miserably. Here I am, one day away from another show date for my jewelry, and I can't find my business cards. Granted, I haven't looked at much of the stuff I carted home from the show last month but I can't believe the business cards could have been lost in the shuffle.

All I remember about our departure from the last show is that we kind of hurried it, putting things away without too much planning because I could sort it all out at home. Apparently I wasn't careful enough and somehow left business cards, pens and receipt books behind. As of now those are the only things I can't find.

I also remember thinking it wasn't a smart thing to not put everything away neatly but chose to ignore my own warnings. When will I learn?

This isn't the end of the world and I can replace those things but it took a lot of hours' work from Anna and Kim to make up the cards and I feel terrible about that. I won't get them to do it again because I can order business cards online pretty cheaply. It's just kind of sad that my very first business cards have been lost. Oh well.

On a positive note, I cleaned out the shelves in the basement left empty after the yard sale on Saturday and refilled them with jewelry stuff. It's looking neater and neater down there. Of course I had to pull it all out again looking for the damned business cards but that's least mine!

A couple of years ago I bought 2 nice teak end tables at a yard sale with plans to refinish them. I'm hoping that only means cleaning and not sanding. Until this week those tables have been piled high with flea market boxes but today one of the tables is actually empty and the other has just one box on it. My purging is having dramatic results and that makes me feel proud of myself.

When I was in counseling I was told that I had the ability to do anything I set my mind to and those words had a big effect on me. It's true that success begins with the first step and all it takes to reach your goal is the determination to not give up halfway. My goals are all reachable. All it takes is that first step and a dose of determination...and a little organization doesn't hurt.

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