Thursday, July 09, 2009

Goodbye Michael

Michael Jackson has been in the public eye since he was a small child and, because of this, we've been able to witness the destruction of a human being as it occurred over the years. There's been so much hoopla over the loss of such a talented man but autopsy reports have been coming in with evidence of a man who was slowly and pathetically destroying himself.

When someone dies we hope they've gone on to a better life and I do hope this poor tortured individual has done just that. Unfortunately, his family will have to deal with the aftermath of his death for many years to come. There will be scandals aired and lives ruined. For all of his talent, Michael Jackson created a nightmare of a legacy.

It should make all of us aware that the choices we make in life might come back to cause havoc in the family after we're dead. Me, I'll be leaving no scandals but maybe just a touch too much clutter. We can't all say that, can we??


Kim said...

you've crossed the line to obsession about your 'clutter'. kinda glad though

patsyrose said...

What?? I've worked my tail off disposing of much of my clutter, I'll have you know!